Archdeacon Simon introduces Week 6 of the Summer Reading Challenge
Welcome to week 6 of our Summer Reading Challenge, which concludes next week. I hope you have been blessed by reading the Psalms this summer. If you are reading one of our three tracks you will find this week’s psalms below this post. In Track 1 there are two psalms a week, in Track 2 a psalm a day, and in Track 3 you are reading all the psalms in order.
Watch Simon's Introduction here
But if you haven’t kept up with any of our reading tracks, don’t worry. You can always go back and pick up where you left off, or start again with any of these reading tracks at any time.
The Summer Reading Challenge is not a test of your stamina, it’s an invitation to allow God’s Word to live in you and me as we take these texts into our hearts – the challenge is to find a way to make it a part of our holy habits. I am one of those who is used to reading the psalms each day: over this summer I’ve been really enjoying listening to them read on the YouTube video I’ve been linking to here. You might want to go looking for a different recording of the psalms being read or sung.
This week you’ve got me again on Wednesday responding to Psalm 121, and on Friday Bec Hill responding to Psalm 139. Next Monday I’ll introduce the final week of our challenge.
May you blessed in your reading.
Summer Reading Challenge – Week 6 (Psalms 119-139)
Week 6 Psalms can be found on YouTube here:
Track 1
Track 2
Monday Psalm 121
Tuesday Psalm 122
Wednesday Psalm 125
Thursday Psalm 127
Friday Psalm 130
Saturday Psalm 135
Sunday Psalm 139
Track 3
Week 6 Psalms begin here:
Week 6 Psalms on YouTube here:
Monday morning Psalm 119 verses 1 to 32
Monday evening Psalm 119 verses 33 to 64
Tuesday morning Psalm 119 verses 65 to 96
Tuesday evening Psalm 119 verses 97 to 128
Wednesday morning Psalm 119 verses 129 to 160
Wednesday evening Psalm 119 verses 161 to 176
Thursday morning Psalms 120 to 122
Thursday evening Psalms 123 to 126
Friday morning Psalms 127 to 130
Friday evening Psalms 131 & 132
Saturday morning Psalms 133 to 135
Saturday evening Psalm 136
Sunday morning Psalms 137 & 138
Sunday evening Psalm 139