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Generous giving

If you believe God owns everything and has given all that we have then the impulse to be generous will inevitably be strong within you. Here we explore some stories to help us think about generosity and how we can be generous in our response to all that God has given.

If you believe that God is the owner and giver of all we have and if you are receiving God's gift to you with thanks then you are in a position to think about giving generously. Here are some stories to help:

In 1988 a group of Christian farmers in the UK showed that generosity when they started Send a Cow, a charity which sent healthy cows to war-torn Uganda. Those who received a cow pledged to give away the first female calf. A principle that still works for the charity. 

In the Bible, you will find a story told by Jesus. It's a story in Luke's gospel that tells us that generosity should not be measured by showy offerings from wealthy people but through a simple, sacrificial gift from a poor widow. She gave two coins, one would have been enough, but she gave all she had. 

This story doesn't justify us giving little when we can afford more. It challenges us to think about how we can give as much as we can. You can find many stories in the Bible about generous giving. 

The Bible stories talk about the inequality of wealth with people giving for show whilst not bringing justice into the world. This is as true today as it was then. Living as a disciple on the Rule Of Life alters what we focus on and helps us work to bringing more justice in the world. Living and giving generously is a challenge from the Bible but it also helps us to change the way we look at life.


  • Sent to Give
  • Generosity
  • Thanks
  • Luke's Gospel
  • God's gift
  • inequality of wealth

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